
Pretag Hypothesis

The project puts forward the hypothesis that pesticide reduction will call for:

  • better knowledge of the contexts of pesticide use, based on an analysis of usage trends in terms of quality and quantity (volumes, types of pesticides, origin, etc.), overall and by crop value chain,
  • an ability to assess the potential for reducing pesticide use (or, where possible, stopping it), testing alternative approaches mostly based on agroecology concepts, including diversifying agrosystems and assessing the economic impact of those approaches,
  • an assessment of the determinants of pesticide use, and of the lock-ins that limit the adoption or systematization of technical, organizational and institutional innovations for reducing pesticide use on different scales (plot, farm, production and/or supply area),
  • an analysis of the content and functionality of public policies: regulatory standards, subsidies/taxes in direct or indirect relation to pesticide use,
  • the establishment of multi-stakeholder collective action for reducing pesticide use, focusing on supply chains or territories.